Liwei expansion joint is a flexible part in the pipeline system which is used to absorb movements in the pipeline. According to its usage, expansion joints is able to absorb axial-, lateral- or angular movements.
There are several methods of the absorption of thermal expansions in a pipeline and the expansion joints moves in the direction it is designed for absorbing the pipeline's movements. Most pipeline systems prefer to use expansion joints because of their less space taking in the pipe system.
Expansion joints are an economically advantageous choice, they are able to absorb several kinds of movement than their alternatives; pipe bends and loop expansion joints. Due to the wide scope, the pipe layout the costs for design, calculation and construction are minimized. Moreover operation costs are reduced without maintenance and minimized heat- and friction losses. When a product with following characteristics is needed, a steel expansion joint is the best choice:
Pressure resistance Temperature resistance Corrosion resistance Safe and reliable Less maintenance Balancing flexibility and resistance towards pressure Flexible Cost effective