What’s the Main Causes of Failure For Expansion Joints?
Author: liweiTime: 2016-12-29 17:37:18
We have divided the list of some of the most common causes of expansion joint failure into three groups, based upon the actions that can be attributed to them:
Prior to start-up
1. Improper handling during transport, storage, or assembly.
2. Installation outside of the tolerable limits in terms of pipe misalignments, or installation of the expansion joint with an incorrect orientation.
3. Inadequate supports (anchoring, guides, etc.). In order for expansion joints to perform properly, it is essential that the pipe system be appropriately attached, in a manner that allows movement in the direction planned in the design, and that contains the forces developed from the effects of interior pressure or vacuum.
Not taken into account in the design
1. Exceeding the design specifications. Excess pressure, excessive movement, extreme temperatures, unexpected vacuum, etc.
2. Anchoring failure.
3. Induced vibrations that could cause breakage of materials (cracks, fatigue, etc.). Caused by unexpected, excessive vibrations from the system’s equipment, or as the result of a flow that is turbulent or very high velocity.
Inherent to the service
1. Aging or fatigue of the material throughout its service, from supporting pressure or temperature cycles, movements, etc.
2. Erosion caused to expansion joints not adequately protected from flows that include abrasive materials, or that have high velocities, or that are turbulent.
3. Corrosion affecting the strength of the materials used in manufacturing the expansion joint.
If you need help or would like to know more about expansion joints, just contact us.