1. Frequently and strong pressure impact. The reason why high pressure rubber hose has blow out is not that it bear too large static pressure, is that frequently and strong pressure impact. In operation, the oil pressure may sudden rise or fall repeatedly, and it will exacerbate the oil sealing damage, and the high pressure rubber hose may has bubble, crack and leakage.
2. High operating temperature of oil liquid. The higher of oil liquid temperature, the easier of rubber aging, and the worse of rubber elasticity, also the worse of strength and sealing property. Thus, if the hydraulic system has too high and too fast temperature rising, please handle it as soon as possible, especially in hot summer.
3. Improper flex rubber hose specification. When change a flex rubber hose, please make sure to use the proper rubber material, hose length, steel wire layer number, connector shape and dimension, and try to decrease the degree of bending.