Add:NO.68 Mengjin Road, Shangjie District, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China
There are many reasons of rubber joint bubbling,some are the problem of raw material,some are because of misoperation at the time
of workers doing sphere.Some because of exceeding time limit,this is ripe package.Due to insufficient time,this is raw package.
1. Foaming agent quality problem, check whether the foaming agent is in a limited period, whether or not qualified;
2. Rubber plastic through low, check whether accord with a standard rubber plastic degree, plastic benefit through mixing, low
complement hole increase plasticity;
3. Mixing temperature, decomposition of foaming agent early, check whether the mixer discharge temperature is too high, if
temperature is too high, stick rubber whether charred, some for rubber mixing temperature too high can a small amount of adding
foaming agent and deal with the goods
4. Park, rubber parking time is too long, or temperature is too high, some irritable decomposition of foaming agent, parking time is too
long rubber should be trans to supplement processing;
5. Rubber vulcanizing speed too fast, formulation adjustment, check the vulcanizing agent of critical temperature and decomposition
temperature of the foaming agent is nearing, and coordinate with each other, to match the curing rate and foaming rate.